Ballet Body(TM) Barre Classes
@ Ballet & Body

Some Classes are only In-Person, some are only Virtual
most have both options
Space is limited for In-Person classes. You may Wait-List for an In-Person Class AND reserve for its Virtual counterpart if it has one.
Should an In-Person place become available the staff at Ballet & Body will make sure you are not charged twice.
Our NEW Class types for you to find the best fit your needs:
Ballet Body Barre Basic
For Beginners with no ballet class experience. All terms and positions are explained.
Ballet Body Barre Beginner
For those who have some ballet experience, but still on the beginner level.
Ballet Body Barre Beyond Beginner
Not Beginner, not Intermediate, perhaps Advanced Beginner. Some experience necessary.
Ballet Body Barre BLAST
A new shorter version of BBBarre: a high energy, faster paced, 50 minute harder workout to get you energized before work.
Ballet & Body also offers Adult Dance classes: Currently these are Ballet Classes (Beginner, Advanced Beginner & Intermediate) as well as Pointe and Repertory Workshops for Adults

Ballet (Beginner)
Elementary Barre movements and application to learning basic steps of classical ballet.
Ballet (Advanced Beginner)
The next level of barre concepts and compound application of basic principles to teach vocabulary needed to progress to more advanced classes, Movements that combine change of position and direction with emphasis on developing amplitude, strength and the ability to manage longer combinations.
Ballet (Intermediate)
Continued elaboration on vocabulary focusing on content and patterns needed for classical repertory.
Pointe (Open Level)
Focus on the mechanics of correct and efficient pointework.
Pointe Ballet Classes
Focuses on incorporating pointework into dancing.
Repertory Workshops
Special series' in which participants learn group and/or solo classical repertory or original choreography. An opportunity for final presentation is offered subject to the preferences of participants.